
Translation work is critical to the Bible mission movement and there is an urgent need to do more.

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." - Nelson Mandela

Being able to read the Word of God in one’s heart language not only helps a people group understand it better but helps the people themselves relate to Him as their personal God.

The aim of The Bible Society of Singapore is to:

  1. Promote awareness of the key role and need for Bible translation in mission.
  2. Educate the Christian community about the original Bible language and heart language of the mission field.
  3. Raise funds to resource Bible Translators and Translation projects.
  4. Support the training of Bible Translators.

The Bible Society of Singapore is working in partnership with our sister societies and theological institutions around the world, to train up and support the on-going task of making the Word of God available to all people.

Kimyal New Testament

The Kimyal New Testament was published by the Indonesian Bible Society in March 2010, and was welcomed by the community during a highly emotional celebration in Korupun, West Papua.

This 5-minute video shows the emotions of the Kimyal community in West Papua, Indonesia, as they receive the first copies of the New Testament in their language. Dancing, weeping and praying, the Kimyal people welcome God's Word into their remote village and talk of how it will change their lives.

The video footage was shot by Dianne Becker.