otLIVE for Adults

A certified otLIVE instructor will deliver a fun and engaging event that brings the old Testament to life. Attendees can gain fresh insights of the significant events in the Old Testament, key figures, and storyline, making it more relevant to their daily lives. 

Saturday, 14 October 2023 


Bible House (Level R), 7 Armenian Street, S179932 


For enquiries, you may call Sam Leow at 6304 3782 or email [email protected]

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Facebook and Instagram @sowerinstitute

About the Facilitator

Rev Nicholas Choo

Rev Choo is a highly sought-after speaker and trainer in various organisations. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from Trent University and a   M.Th at Ontario Theological Seminary in Canada. He specialises in Walk Thru the Bible programmes, such as Kids in the Book.