Encouragement Seminar (Onsite Event)
Encouragement Seminar
Very often the average person looks in the mirror and sees someone who really doesn’t matter. Sadly, looking back also reveals an unfulfilled person—someone who is not making a difference, someone who seldom gets noticed, someone who is relatively unimportant.
Somehow, this may also be true of Christians. They too have considered that they are unimportant because they know what the “world” says about who and what matters. And they are so attuned
to those voices that they fail to notice what God sees.
The Encouragement Seminar reveals five behaviour patterns God sees as significant. These things are clearly taught in the Bible, but because we focus on what the world tells us, they have become less important. When you come face to face with
these obvious discoveries, there is a good possibility that you will see
yourself in a whole new light.
In this series, we will look at the following: a Centurion, Peter, Mary, a widow, five men.
Those who have registered for this seminar will be given exclusive access to the
pre-recorded videos on the topic. On the Seminar day (13 Apr), Rev Poon will do
a conversation on the summary of the videos.
Onsite Event
Event Date:
13 April 2022 (Wed), 7.30 PM – 9.00 PM
Venue: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House - Level 4, Morrison-Liang
Room Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, S179932
Speaker: Rev Dr Peter Poon

Rev Dr Peter Poon
Rev Poon has been involved in Walk thru the Bible Ministry since 1988. Rev Poon has also served in four Presbyterian churches for over 30 years. He is passionate about teaching and training, as well as coaching and mentoring emerging leaders.