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Donate to the Bible Mission
Our mission is to make the Word of God known to all people by making it available through the work of translation & publishing, accessible through distribution & literacy programmes, and credible through engagement & advocacy. Support the Bible Society’s Mission work.

A contribution of just $10 a month could change someone’s life. You can help reach lives now! Supporting the Bible mission is the sowing of seed through Scripture, directly sharing God’s life-changing Word.
Special Appeal
The Bible, despite being one of the most widely read and distributed books in the world, still remains out of reach to many! Your generous support for the Bible mission will help us bring the Word to the multitudes around the world. Join us in supporting these projects and touching countless lives with God’s Word!

Adopt A Meaningful Project
To spread God’s love, there are many mission projects undertaken by Bible Societies throughout the world to cover a broad spectrum of needs. These ranges from translation – publishing – distribution – literacy programmes (using Scriptures) – engagement and advocacy work. Partner in this vision with us and see God’s kingdom spread to the ends of the earth. We humbly invite you to support these projects.
Partner us to bring the Bible Mission to your church and communities.

Another way of partnering in God’s work is by leaving a bequest to the Bible Society. Leaving a gift in your will can make a real difference to advancing the Bible mission work.
Tribute to Our Legacy Donors
When people think of spiritual giants, they often remember names like Charles H Spurgeon and James Hudson Taylor who have created a Christian heritage. To The Bible Society, however, the term ‘spiritual giants’ also encompasses those who have given their lives to impact others, whether in or out of the public eye. Many ‘spiritual giants’ live out the Word quietly in the background. Some of these people include those who left behind a lasting legacy through their financial resources, enabling the generation after them to continue with the Bible mission. And we want to honour those who have contributed a legacy gift for the mission work!
Passing on the Gift of Life

Earnest Tok Sin Lau
The call to ‘pass it on’ resounded in the life of Earnest Lau, a spiritual giant to Bible Society. Many remember him as a Methodist educator. Bible Society fondly remembers him as a legacy giver.
The late Earnest Lau was a faithful supporter of the Bible mission and bequeathed a portion of his estate to The Bible Society of Singapore.
Earnest continues to inspire us. Richard Seow, Chairman of the ACS Board of Governors, shared during the eulogy that Earnest Lau’s “character was larger than life” and we could “take the lessons learnt from him, so that we may touch the lives of others.”
Drafting a Gift of Life

Alan Gait
Alan Gait, 74, faced a life-threatening illness in his 40s, but reading the Bible helps him to depend on God in all circumstances.
Alan Gait is a wonderful example of someone who felt the call to bless the next generation with such a gift. “I want to help bring the Bible to people across the world… His Word upheld me and gave me comfort. I believe it’s important for people to have the Bible in their own language so they, too, can experience God’s love.”
The Bible Society strives to make God’s Word available for all, and Alan’s gift will fulfil his desire to leave a legacy for the generations through enabling Bible Society’s translation work to continue.
Alan’s will include his family, friends and local church. It also includes a gift to the Bible Society.
“It’s natural to want to remember family and friends,” Alan says, “but the work of Bible Society needs to continue. Leaving a gift in your will is a great way to protect that work.”
Remembering Jenny & Eric Stoddart

Jenny & Eric Stoddart
One of the Bible Society’s most remarkable and memorable mission partners, Mr & Mrs Eric Stoddart. We give thanks for their faithful service in raising funds for the Bible movement.
Despite begin in their 80s, Eric and his wife Jenny would regularly join our Bible mission trips – paying for their own travel expenses, as well as raising funds by selling Jenny’s homemade marmalade and greeting cards. The Stoddart’s were planning to join the Bible Mission Trip to Hunan in October 2013, when Jenny Stoddart was called home to be with the Lord on October 2013. Despite of her death, Eric expressed that he will carry on supporting the Bible Mission. Just before he was called home to be the Lord on 16 September 2015, he was even intending to join another trip to China. He was truly faithful to the end. May we all remember him, and follow in his footsteps by passionately serving the Lord.
So Others Might Praise God
Daphne Hong
“She was very charitable sharing with others, hence in her will she wanted to donate some of her assets to a few organisations which needed money to carry on their work. The Bible Society is one of them. She gave not for others to see her generosity but that God might see her gratitude. She gave in order that others might praise God for what they are receiving. In life she was so blessed; in death she wanted to share her blessings to honour and glorify God.”
– Leng, Sister of Legacy Donor, Daphne Hong